Restore your smile or repair damage to your teeth.
Restoring a tooth back to its full strength, function and appearance following root canal therapy, fracture or breakage is important for maintaining complete oral health.
An untreated tooth is more susceptible to decay, can cause severe pain and in some extreme cases may require extraction if treatment is postponed.
With a long successful history, dental crowns encase your damaged tooth and allow you to continue enjoying life with a full smile.
Made entirely from either porcelain or gold, receiving a crown will often consist of two appointment visits. Requiring detailed preparation so your tooth is the ideal shape for the crown, involves removal of some of the outer surface of your tooth so it appears the same size as the surrounding teeth.
Once prepared, we will take a mould so your new crown can be fabricated at our dental laboratory. A temporary crown can be fitted so you can have full function and appearance.
At your second appointment, your new crown is checked for fit and comfort before being secured in place with dental cement. It can feel a little strange at first, it may take a few days to become familiar to your new tooth.
It is vitally important to continue with a regular oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day and flossing once a day to keep your existing teeth and gums healthy, it is also recommended you schedule six monthly appointments for professional cleanings and check-ups.
Crowns for Cracked Tooth Syndrome
As the name suggests, cracked tooth syndrome refers to a tooth that has sustained a fracture. Treatment for cracked tooth syndrome will often involve removing the weakened portioned of the tooth and placement of a crown to restore strength and function.
Early treatment is essential in order to prevent the crack from developing further, especially to the tooth root, which can result in an infection of the tooth’s nerve.
This can then lead to the need for root canal therapy.