Restore your smile or repair damage to your teeth
Cosmetic Bleaching, Crowns and Veneers
This patient opted for elective cosmetic treatments for his upcoming wedding in Hawaii. A personalised treatment plan was devised in consultation with the patient. The first aspect in his cosmetic treatment was ZOOM! bleaching for a brighter, nicer smile.
To prepare this patient for his wedding, one crown and four veneers were all that was required to transform his smile forthe better. He has been smiling ever since.
Cosmetic Bleaching, Crowns and Veneers
The first time this patient came to our practice, he was very self conscious about the gaps in his teeth. The Patient was given the option of orthodontic treatments, however this patient didn’t want to wear braces for 2 years. he opted for an alternative cosmetic treatment that gave the same result in less time!
His smile improved dramatically with 6 veneers on his upper front teeth and 6 crowns on his lower front teeth. Zoom! bleeching gave him the added aesthetics that he desired.
The final result has improved his smile aesthetically, but more importantly, it has also improved his confidence.